Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Last assignment Rocket

Science and technology has come to an end. the class has been awesome, I had so much fun doing assignments and labs. This was by far the best lab we have done. We built and launched rockets hundreds of feet in the air. Our rocket was one of the highest flying rockets. The top of the rocket popped off at the highest elevation which its suppose to but the streamer never popped up. Overall are rocket was awesome!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Making Molecules

Today we made molecule large scale replicas out of wooden spheres and Sticks. We made the following Combinations of molecules:

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Tower Building

Today we built towers out of Spaghetti and marshmallows. Dinuk,Taylor and I had an idea to base are tower on the CN tower A larger base and a very pointy top. We also decided that the smaller the spaghetti was the more stability the structure had because the materials wouldn't be as flimsy. However halfway through building we noticed that the sticks weren't long enough so we made them longer but making the tower bend. When the tower bends our support beams went everywhere which didn't give good support. Are overall hieght was 90cm which made us 2nd (1st being Neuf). Our building Idea went from this to this.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Pond Critters

Today we did another microscope Lab.  Instead of looking at slides created by the school we made our own slides. We made our own slides by taking pond water and putting it on slides. Me and Dinuk managed to find 3 little bugs. It was hard to keep them still but we managed to get some cool pictures.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Microscope Lab.

Today we had a microscope Lab containing many different bacterias. It has been a couple years since I used a microscope and I forgot how cool it was. The deferent colors from the different bacteria showed some cool characteristics. Here are some pictures of amoeba, Volvo, algae, paremecium, diatoms.

Friday, 29 May 2015


Today In science class we made circuits. I made an assortment of circuits including unrealistic circuits such as a circuit with many light bulbs with little voltage connected to them.

In this experiment the simplest circuit I could make consisted of 2 cables a battery and the light bulb.

The most important thing to remember when making a circuit is to make sure not to mix up the positive and negative.

Here are my circuits ;

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Future Car Prototype

My Car I have created, I believe is an accurate representation of what cars of the future are going to be like. My car is very low profile but has very large wheels. This allows more of the car itself to be moved by less power. The Body of the car also provides ways to help propell the car forward. The body of the car reduces drag and Weight allowing for less power. Since the body is so low profile and Areo dynamic the airflow is much easier on the car. the body of the car is also made mostly out of aluminum and inside is made out of carbon fiber allowing the lightest choice for cars. the car will be powered by electricity. The electric motors will be able to drive 1000 km on a single charge allowing you to drive back and forth to work many times before recharging. Since you are able to drive so far the battery is large meaning charging it will take 2-3 days. Safety on the prototype only can withstand crashes under 60 Kmh since it's so light. Further on in Prototypes more airbags and different types of metal will be added to support the tiny electric sports car.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Egg Drop

Today we had to drop an egg from the second floor of the school. The first idea that came to mind to protect the egg was a parachute. I got the parachute from the last project we did. Only this time the parachute was bigger and had a basket on it like a hot air balloon. The egg was dropped from the second story and survived the drop. the parachute created enough drag to decrease the impact of the drop. not to mention the garbage bag wrapped egg to decrease direct impact to the egg.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Car Saftey

The Ford Raptor, is an outstanding truck with endless capability from being a baja truck to a daily driver for any person. Obviously from just looking from the outside the raptor is a large truck, A little more beefier then your average truck. The Raptors weight alone Doubles the weight of your average Sedan. Not to mention  the height (6.5 feet). Which is a great feature because if ever in a head on Collision the oncoming car will most likely depending on the height will go under the cab allowing more protection to the driver and passengers. The Ford raptor is also the first truck of its class to have hill decent technology. Allowing the truck to slow down letting the driver have more control of the truck. The ford raptor also has trailer control balancing of the truck allows the trailer to stay stable in any terrain.

Friday, 10 April 2015


1. What adjustments/Changes did you make to your design after trying it the first time?
The first parachute we made and tested was filled with air. although a good idea there was little drag and it couldn't hold the wieght up for a long time. The second time we put a hole through the top and bottom and the parachute increased time by 1 second.

2. What forces act the parachute?
The drag against the whole parachute slows down the whole parachute.

3.What Changes would you make to transport something heavier.
If I were to use more material I could make more surface area and create more drag.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Future Of Flight

After extensive research of flight I have come to a conclusion that many of the "Prototypes" Of future flight is just remakes of old planes, Mainly being old war birds of the second World War and Korean War with of course some exceptions. Many of the future models may look identicle or have same features but they have very different objectives of flight.

Not to long ago the U.S.A made a bomber just shy of costing a billion dollars. This bomber is called the "B2". The B2 bomber was made in 1997 but still has technology that is advance in our time. but the scary part of the plane is where it originated from.... Nazi Germany in the Second World War. Considering 70 years ago a similar aircraft was created (Ho229)and being ready to be tested and now the same layout is used to create a billion dollar bomber is mind blowing. Back in 1945 this captured aircraft was made out of mainly wood. The reason for this was to stay off the radar. The goal of this light bomber was to reach a surface Cieling of 15000 meters and to drop up to 3000 kilograms of bombs.

Today the b2 even though getting close to 20 years old is still in service in the US airforce. The reason the b2 is such a unique design is because it is so sleek and flat. Making the b2 have barely any drag. Strangely the b2 bomber only has a top speed of 1100 Kmh but makes up for it with the bomb load of eighty 500 lb bomb capacity 

What is the future of the flying wing? Since the flying wing is such a neat inovation of flight it is most likely the design will be hanging around for a while. After looking through Prototypes of a flying wings models have popped up with slightly different features. Obviously the objective is to always have a better aircraft which the Prototypes do. The one model of a wing shows a different tail giving different drag (More Elevators and Alierons in the back compared to the B2 Bomber)

Pictures; B2 Bomber, Ho229, Flying Wing Prototype.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Breaking the sound barrier

1947 Marked a milestone in Jet Aviation. Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier and maxing out the aircrafts speed at 1600 Kmh. Making the bell x1 the fastest aircraft of the time.

Chuck Yeager the Pilot that set the milestone, is still alive to this day (92 Years old). Chuck Yeager took part in the Second Word War, Cold War Events and The Cold War. Chuck Yeager was also a flight instructor and Test pilot  (How he broke the sound barrier).

The X1 Was the first aircraft to break the sound barrier in level flight. An obvious reason the X1 was able to break the sound barrier was because it was rocket power giving the aircraft more thrust then any other aircraft of the time. Later on in the years the X1 was equipped with more fuel cap. Allowing it to go quiet a bit faster. From 1600 Kmh to 2600 Kmh.

Since the X1 was only propelled by rocket powered and the fuel capacity was low they had to air drop the X1 put of another aircraft, The B29 SuperFortress. The B29 was a late ww2 Bomber and was the largest aircraft of its time. The B29 was the plane for the job considering it could carry the most payload.The B29 also participated in the Hiroshima bombings in ww2.

Pictures: X1 being dropped, X1,B29

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Paper airplanes

Paper airplanes are the perfect scale models of real flying Gliders. Two challenges longest flight and longest distance. Even though my plane had a smaller wingspan we decided to use it in the longest flight.

My plane was pretty balenced with thrust,weight,Drag and lift. My plane was based on a jet. Smaller wingspan many Flaps and lots of speed. After the design was done I thought it would have the actions of a jet but it was the complete opposite. My plane managed to fly for 5.06 second. It practically  floated down to earth. After revaluation of the airplane I released there was a little pocket under the wing that allowed lift and send wind directly to the Flaps allowing it to gain altitude or to keep the airplane balenced depending on the wind.

11.6m - Dinuks Distance
5.06  seconds - Caleb's Flight Time.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Forces Of Flight

What are the four forces that allow an airplane to fly?
Four forces cause an aircraft to fly in the air. Lift,Thrust,Drag and Weight.

What is thrust?
"Thrust" is commonly used to describe how the aircraft moves itself through the air without loosing airspeed.

How do engines on airplanes propel the aircraft forward?
Just like a boat the propeller propels the aircraft through the air. The shaft cuts the air on an angle that creates air flow which moves the aircraft giving is thrust.

What is newton's third law?
Newtons Third Law stated that every action has an opposite. Which simple is anything that goes up must come down. Gravity is why flying is so complex even though there is only for steps.

What is lift?
Lift which is created by the wing of the aircraft. The wings allow pressure on the top and bottom of the wings allowing the wing cut the air and letting the aircraft soar through the sky. This was explained in Bernoullis Therom. more pressure on the bottom of the wing and less preasure on the top of the wings allowing airspeed.

What is drag?
Drag is created by anything that moves through air. Areo dynamics can help create less drag by cutting through the air smoother. It is very important to create less drag while flying so it is easy and more efficient to gain lift.

Describe the difference of air speed comparing the top of the wing to the bottom of the wing?
Bernoullis Law explains this, Airspeed on the top and bottom of the wings travel and allow air over and under the wings at different speeds. Under the wings less airspeed is made but more preasure is created to create more lift. While the top of the wing less preasure and more airspeed is made.

What is Form Drag?
Form drag is drag created from flaws from the aircraft design or any other drag created on the aircraft. Ex. Mirrors and Antenna etc.

How is drag reduced in some aircrafts?
Some aircrafts have winglets, winglets are folded wings that allow more stability in areas with low pressure.

What is center of gravity?
Center of gravity is pretty self explanatory. The center of gravity of the aircraft is the point and area of the aircraft where the aircraft is balenced equaly on all sides.

If a flight is in balance, describe how the four forces work together?
In flight when all forces work together the aircraft Flys unbothered by any force since the thrust and the drag equal out and the lift and Weight equal out.

What is the result of increasing thrust?
When one factor powers over the other three the whole aircraft is affected. Such as increasing thrust will affect the lift as altitude will be increase.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Penny Boat "Silver Yamato"

In the Second world War the Axis powers were I'm strong armament in the waters. The Germans with there u-boats and the Japanese with their largest Battleship known of the time. "The Yamato".

Tin Foil, Tape, and tooth picks cannot recreate the complexity of the Yamato. What was recreated was the idea. Since the Yamato was such a large ship which carried large cargo and armament we decided that it would be a great Idea to reuse the idea of the shape.(Note: May not look identicle)

132 Penny's later the Silver Yamato sunk the abyss of the sink. Leaving it in ruins.

R.I.P. The Silver Yamato 2015-2015

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Interm Report

So far in the semester I feel like I have done alright. Although with some exceptions of slacking I have pulled through.

When I come to class I am prepared to work and I come on time. My use of class time consists of constant work. Considering this I do get alot of downtime which I use as a break instead of trying to prepare for the next thing or to catch up if I'm missing anything.

I believe my work habits are much more successful with technology then on paper. Therefore I was 4 assignments behind. But 2 out of those 4 assignments were finished and handed in after finding out it was over due. IN GOOD QUALITY.

When I make blog posts or do an assignment on paper I am sure to always put my best foot forward on achieving good workhabit and good quality in what I do. Although we haven't done many projects this far into the course I would have to say the Memes. I say this because I thought it was fun to make a Meme in class time.

My plan for success is aiming for a B letter grade. My last year of science failed because I was lazy and didn't care about doing the work. But coming into this class I have a totally new mindset on what I want to achieve and what I need to achieve this goal of mine.

I strongly believe I deserve a "G" for a workhabit. For my constant effort in this class.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Traveling by Car

Taylor, Dilman, Dinuk and I are researching the time it would take to travel to Toronto. My part was researching how much time and money is spent and including convenince and Environmental impact.

If you were to drive to Toronto it would take you roughly 41 hours not including stops.  This route would travel through the U.S.

The cost of transportation will vary on what you drive. If you drive a hybrid of some sort gas will be very low in cost and adding on to that the gas in the U.S. Is much cheaper then here in Canada. If you took a very fuel efficient car the trip could only cost around the 100 dollar area and since it's very efficient you won't have to worry about environmental impact considering it won't use much fuel.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Ocean Acidification

What is ocean acidification?
Ocean Acidification is sort of like acid rain. In a sense. Pollution get taken into the atmosphere which gets transported to the ocean. The pollution turns the ocean acidic.

What human activities have caused this problem?
Since most energys are made by creating fire. Pollution is easy made. By using Cars. Machines and other types of items that create energy you are contributing to pollution.

How much has the acidity of the ocean changed?
The acidity of the ocean keeps increasing due to co2 emissions. 30 percent of acid has been increased since 2 centurys ago

How does the increased acidification affect animals in the ocean?
The acidification is ruining marine life populations which leads to the food chains being disrupted. Weight of plankton have decreased by 30 percent. And shellfish shells have been detiererating slowly.

How are pink salmon affected?
Petropods and dieing out. Just as explained above the food chain is being affected so the pink salmon are dieing out.

How are coral reefs affected?
Due to shells being destroyed by acidification coral reefs are being destroyed.

How might acidification affect you?
Food and resources will not be available if we use a careless attitude towards the ocean and our atmosphere in general.

What can you do to decrease co2 emissions?
Use more public transportation. Being more green.  Buy products that support the environment. Using less gas in anyway .

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Household Chemical Research

Such as bug spray. Are used to kill insects.
Active ingredients that are used in household pesticides may contain; emusifiable concentrate. Sodium fluoride and other.
Health dangers may include cancer, parkinsons and birth defects.